I know, I know... where have I been!?
Well, last week I was up at Cornell for engineering camp... super cool I know. But seriously, it was a really fun time. There were fourty high school girls there for the week and i was basically a camp counselor (also pronounced: babysitter) It was an exciting week, lots of activities and good food too :) It was quite wierd being back in Ithaca though. For starters, it was warm. No, not warm, ridiculously hot. It was in the 90's... in Ithaca!! I was very out of sorts. And on top of that, I had absolutely no work and no stress. No classes, no prelims, no essays. Just fun :) So it was quite an interesting week and it definitely made me excited to head back there in the fall.
So, I got back from there late Satuday. And after I had been home for not even a few hours, I had to go to the hospital to see a friend. Yick. I seriously thought I was going to pass out. I had to walk in through the ER, and I half expected to see some stretchers with bloody people on them and needles everywhere and lots of craziness (just like ER!!) but nope. It was pretty quiet. I was still sufficiently freaked out, but I held my own. So I was there until about 2 in the morning, at which point I took my friend home (he's going to be fine luckily) So then, after sleeping all day Sunday, it was back to work on Monday!! There was lots to catch up on after being gone for a week.
Then Wednesday I went down to the ocean with my family... it was so nice... sunny and beautiful. Funny story though... so i'm out in the ocean boogey-boarding, you know riding the waves and such. Well next thing I know I'm pretty far out in the water, practically behind where the waves are crashing. So I start to try and head towards shore. But of course, I'm not nearly strong enough to make it there anytime soon. I wasn't panicked, just ready to go back to the beach! Well then all of a sudden, this head pops out of the water right next to me and says "HI"! It scared me half to death because i didn't see anyone coming! So it's this kid, about my age, beach blonde hair... actually kinda cute ;)... but i couldn't think about that because i was too busy being sketched out. There was absolutely no one any where near us in the water, and all i could think was, "oh no..." But then, in that moment i saw that he was sporting a red bathing suit and i realized, it's the lifeguard! So I say, "hi!??" and he says, "um, do you mind swimming a little bit over there... you're kinda in the middle of a rip tide" Oh great. So here I am, totally oblivious, being dragged out to sea. So anyways, he wants to swim in with me to make sure that i'm ok, but he's so close to me that i keep kicking him!! Wow... talk about embarassing. He must have been blowing his wistle at me for several minutes before he finally dived in the water and ran out to "save" me. nice erica, nice.
So anyways, that was wednesday and the past two days i've been answering phones at the church office. So, that's why i'm extremely bored. Because nobody calls on fridays, especially not after lunchtime. So here i sit. Waiting for the phone to ring. At least I'm getting paid!
Welp, that's all that's new here...