Wednesday, June 29, 2005
home sweet home
but it's nice to know that ya'll care about me :)
so, i'm home from California now. it was a fun trip...
we saw LA - watched some movie stars walk down the red carpet, drove through ritzy neighborhoods, saw the kodak theatre where the academy awards are, and drove up to the Hollywood sign.
we stayed closer to San Diego - we ventured to the beach a few times, although i was never really impressed. they're pretty much small and smelly! i'd take the atlantic anyday over that! but it was cool to "swim in the pacific" and i loved watching the surfer boys. we finally were able to watch the sunset... instead of having to get up ridiculously early to watch the sunrise! we went kayaking too, in the caves of La Holla. And we went to the zoo!! it didn't quite live up to all the praise it's given, but i had fun....i really liked the gorillas :)
we spent a day in mexico... um, that was interesting. we got out of the car in what seemed to be spring break central. we couldn't get away from the excruciatingly loud music and wherever we went we were attacked by street vendors. we must have looked ridiculous. mr. and mrs. tourist with their two kiddos... here for the partay! right. so that didn't really last long. but it was fun to say we went!
on saturday we went to disney. again, not really as cool as the east coast, but still fun. i got to see lots of princesses and we saw a production of aladdin!
benji and i took the red eye home sunday night, but the 'rents are still out there. i think i'm finally over that whole jet lag thing, but i still feel a little out of things.
it's fun being home alone, although way too much work. when we first got home i realized that we had absolutely no food. so i went to the store to get groceries, what with the $13 my parents left me for the week. right. so, we got bread and milk and other necessities. i've been raiding the freezer every night to scrounge up dinner. tonight i made bacon potato chowder with frozen potatoes and canned broth. yum. haha, and ben of course is no help. yesterday he told me i had to make him a sandwich because he didn't know how. ugh... brothers.
it's storming pretty badly outside... lots of thunder and lightening! kinda scary being home alone and all. ::shudder::
alrighty, that's all for now... the brownies are almost done!! it was nice chatting... i'd love to hear how you're doing, since now you know all about my travels!!
Saturday, June 18, 2005
right now i just don't...
I think you know what I'm getting at
I find it so upsetting that
the memories that you select
you keep the bad but the good you just forget
And even though I'm angry I can still say
I know my heart will break the day
when you peel out and drive away
I can't believe this happened
And all this time I never thought that all we had would be all for not...
No, I don't hate you
don't want to fight you
know I'll always love you
but right now I just don't like you
No, I don't hate you
don't want to fight you
know I'll always love you
but right now I just don't like you
cause you took this too far
Make your decision and don't you dare think twice
go with your instincts along with some bad advice
this didn't turn out the way I thought it would at all
you blame me but some of this is still your fault
I tried to move you, but you just wouldn't budge
I tried to hold your hand but you'd rather hold your grudge
I think you know what I'm getting at
you said goodbye and I just don't want you regretting that
No, I don't hate you
don't want to fight you
know I'll always love you
but right now I just don't like you
No, I don't hate you
don't want to fight you
know I'll always love you
but right now I just don't like you
'cause you took this too far...
"Which to Bury; Us or the Hatchet" ~Relient K
I'm leaving for San Diego in the morning. Maybe it will be good for me... to get away and sort through all of this... stuff.
I'll be back in a week.
'til then,
Monday, June 13, 2005
So, I'll start where I last left off. The bachelorette party :) It was really fun... but no strippers, Jordan! We all met for pina coladas at the maid of honor's house...


...and we made diane get all dolled up!!


And of course we decorated the car...


...and then we were on our way! We went downtown to Baltimore for dinner at a nice cuban restaurant, and then to a club for a little dancing :) Diane had fun with a bouqet of blow-pops which she carried around and asked random men, "suck for a buck?" She actually made quite a bit of money selling those lollipops!! Dancing was very fun... and of course everyone wanted to dance with the bride-to-be (or at least buy her a drink!!) Here's Di and I at the club...


After we left, we met up with the boys (who were having their own bachelor par-tay) around 3am for some donuts and a few laughs. When I finally got to bed it was almost 4 and then I was up early in the morning for even more wedding hoop-la! We had a bridesmaids luncheon Thursday... Di took us to the easter shore for a boat ride...


...and then crabs for lunch!! Man, were they were delicious... and not to mention gi-normous!! And after that Di and I came home to celbrate my daddy's birthday... with steak!! Haha, I was sooo full, but you know me, never one to pass up on some good food ;) Then Friday was the rehearsal and the rehearsal dinner. A little stressful, but fun to be with family and friends. And then the wedding!! It was beautiful. Just like a fairy-tale... We tried to keep Di from being nervous or stressed and it was nice because we had about 45 minutes to just relax and the church before the ceremony. Everything was going smoothly, but then right as I was about to walk into the church to proceed to the front, one of the roses fell off my bouquet. YIKES! I didn't know what to do because if I turned around or said anything, Diane would see and freak out... and so, in my panic, I threw it in a nearby closet!! Lol, oh well. Besides that, everything went without a problem. Here's me and my cousin Brianna, the flower girl...

flower girl

...she was adorable. Here's the newlyweds :) That kiss must've lasted a good minute! At least long enough to get several pictures!!


Awww, cute, I know. Here's the whole wedding party...

wedding party

And the reception was extraordinary. The food was marvelous... salad, champagne, filet, bread, champagne, cake, asparagus, champagne, cake... lol, all my favorites. Did I mention there was champagne? ;) And a tasty little drink called a "lemon-drop martini" yum. I think I might have liked those even more than the champagne! Haha, but there really wasn't much time for drinking because we were all WAY too busy dancing. The reception was under a tent, right on the chesapeake bay, but man was it hot. I was really sweaty...


...but having way too much fun to care! It all went by soo fast, and pretty soon we were sending J and Di off with sparklers :) It was a little emotional, saying good-bye to my big brother... but fun to see him so incredibly happy and in love.
So here I sit. Can you see now why I might be a tad exhausted?? We've had family in all weekend, but now things are finally quieting down. It has been fun, but I must say... I'm relieved. Things have been really stressful around here, and I'm ready for some real summer relaxation. Ben will be done school in a few days and then our family --minus jason of course :*( -- will be off to San Diego for vacation. I'm working on convincing my mom that we need to go to the spa and on my dad that we should bring some champagne ;)
Lol, so I'm off to bed. It's back to work tomorrow...
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Dear Erica,
I can see that today might not be the best day to mention it; however, i have noticed that your extremely entertaining blog site has hit a slight plateau. Not wishing to add any pressure, but your fun commentary on life in general has been missed :-P. Perhaps we could institute a little note informing your admiring public audience of when an update has been made? Hope your summer is going really well, and you are having bunches of fun!
Barry Blogreader
My sincerest apologies for taking so long in updating... I hope you can all forgive me :)
Life has been crazy!! My wisdom teeth were successfully extracted (thanks for all the encouragement and prayers!) and after a few drug-induced, chipmunk days, I'm fully recovered... well except for the gaping holes in the back of my mouth that keep stealing all my food!! (yuck, i know!)
Last week I started my summer internship. It's a pretty sweet deal: I'm volunteering for my church, specifically my dad who is the "building expansion pastor", helping manage the buidling of our church's first facility. The cool part is that I'm being paid by Cornell (since my church is a non-profit and I'm volunteering) So, I have an all-expenses-paid summer (including all the ice-cream I can eat!!) and "expected summer income replacement". Nice, huh? So these past two weeks I've just been following my dad around and trying to get a handle on everything that's happening. I've got to walk through the building, which is in the middle of construction. They broke ground in the last summer and are supposed to finish in late November. It's a fun job... lots of lunch meetings (and occasionaly breakfast and dinner too!) and I get to wear a hard-hat!! In fact I think I'm going to have to order my own hard-hat soon ;)
So... my brother is getting married on Saturday. THIS saturday. It's pretty crazy, but of course exciting as well. These past few weeks have been filled with wedding craziness. Last week we finally finished the programs... I must have spent 5 or more hours helping Diane (my brother's fiance) and she even did more work on her own!! Nobody better even dare throw them away after the ceremony. They should be taken home and framed. Lol, but they really are very classy, as the rest of the wedding will surely be. I'm mostly excited for the reception... jumbo shrimp, crab cakes, filet mignon, and CAKE! Yum. And lots of dancing too... and hopefully champagne!!
So anyways, that's pretty much what's new in my life. The other night the girls and I decided to get all dolled up in our prom dresses for a night on the town:

prom - take2!

prom - take2!

prom - take2!

prom - take2!

It was fun... and so crazy to think that an entire year has passed since prom. It feels like yesterday!
Alright, I must go get ready... the bachelorette party is in an hour!! I promise I'll write more as soon as all of this wedding hoop-la has passed, but this will have to do for now!