I just started this new medicine for my allergies and it's making me feel perpetually groggy. Yay. I've taken two naps today already, and it's only 11:30 and I'm ready for bed.
So tonight I had my last field hockey practice...

field hockey

...we're kinda scraggly lookin', but we're pretty darn good (if i do say so myself... which i do :) ) and that's what really counts, i think.
So many lasts, it's enough to make a girl cry. Last practice, last lunch, last class, last paper... last CS assignment!! (ok those last few aren't sad at all...)
It's wierd that this year is practically over... I feel like we just moved in yesterday! I've decided I'm going to protest moving out. This is my house. They can't just give it to someone else. I think I'll chain myself to my bed... or make that the refridgerator (a girl's gotta eat!) So who's with me?
So I started reading this book,
Black, by Ted Dekker. It's pretty interesting, albeit a little intense. I'm at that "should I keep reading or throw in the towel" point. Has anyone read it?
Not that I should be reading, I 'should' be studying. But well, we all know how that goes.
Alright, my eyes are drooping and my bed is calling...
Night y'all,
1 comment:
Please don't throw your towel anywhere. Then you won't have it and it will be sad. You will be lost without it. I promise. Ask and good hitchhiker.l
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